State of Client Side Frameworks

August 30, 2019
Last modified 2/5/2025
js angular client-side

Which client side framework to select in 2019 is harder than ever. Or is it?

I've written a number of times here opinions on js frameworks. I have also posted about how I have continued to use AngularJS for new work.

I have not regretted that decision. It has allowed me to move forward on projects quickly, with a known framework, with known limitations, and with official security support from Google for 2 more years. We'll see what happens after that.

But, being the curious and ever-learner that I am, I keep looking.


Every time I try and look at some project being built with Angular (8 now) or React or Vue - it's a clusterfudge. It really is. I have never seen so much work needed to get a simple small project together. And all of this for the sake of "maintainability?"

And it's like becoming a member of the Triad, once you're in, you're not getting out. YOU MUST COMMIT TO IT. ALL OF IT. Opinionated is not the word.

What we need is some kind of Vanilla JS framework that does a lot of that but not so - THIS IS THE WAY.

I get it - if you're coding up Excel in the browser - I can see why you need to go to certain lengths. I do. But I know that the majority of folks doing work for small ro medium size apps do not need all that craziness . I've been doing this (successfully, yes :/) for 20 years. And I cannot fathom the need for what these projects look like. The amount of separation, number if imports and exports, the files, the mental agility needed to remember how all these things work with each other. It's just not worth it.

And I am glad I haven't tried. Blazor is going to be my hero for more advanced all-in projects. I hope. I have faith.

Blazor server is coming out with .NET Core 3 in a couple weeks and client side blazor in preview. Both of these options will allow me to take complete advantage of .net and C# - my main working language since the beginning and just get work done.