Rich Text Editors - HTML Editors - WYSIWYG

June 25, 2020
Last modified 2/5/2025
dev js components

State of web based text editors in 2020.


I will preface with two main points:

You can do anything in a web browser you can do in a desktop. Almost. Therefore, this is not so much about what's possible or available. If you've seen Monaco (VS editor in the web) or Word and similar products you know that with enough desire, wherewithal, time and skill you can build an editor for the web that is as good as anything else that exists. Case Closed.

I'm not going to look at paid products. This is a viable option, no doubt. Synfucsion (thoug free for small companies), Telerik/Progress, DevExpress, et al. offer products that may be full featured, I am also going to exclude those. I might, however, provide honorable mentions about them.

So, yes, this post will focus on free options. Those that you can freely download and use without concern over licensing (beyong it beng OK to use, even commercially). If there are cavetas to this, I'll mention them.

Why? Because I have a number of "widgets" that use a WYSIWYG editor for simple text entry (it's nice to have some formatting options) and maybe a little more. Posting an article (like this one I am using now), or a newsletter that goes out to folks or something else. The one's I currently have in production are CKEditor (v3 and v4) and a few AngularJS based Summernotes. The problem is that these are looking dated and do not support browser based spell check (the one here doesn't) or handle images elegently. And that's what I am after - this is the feature list I desire:

  1. Support broswer spell check
  2. Handle images
  3. Base features (formatting, maybe tables)
  4. For ME: support some code formatting - not critical, but nice if it does it out the box

And that's it. That's what I need and what I find myself using when posting blogs and emailing in Outlook. 

This post will take a while, I am sure, so look for a date/message at the top indicating status, since I will publish and keep it "alive."

Let's get started.