
October 31, 2017
Last modified 2/5/2025

A list of projects I would like to take on.

As part of my phony complex, I give you this: My Project Wish List

There always seem to be a handful of projects that I want to take on - many for the "greater good" - and never get to. One just doesn't make the time.

This is my attempt at documenting that wish list somewhere. Maybe I can even get to it one day.

Genesis: 10/31/2017

Last Updated: 10/31/2017, Total Updates Since Genesis: 0

  • Started/Done - (I say done because is anything ever really done?) Open source and publish Toolshed. Make it the best swiss army knife (or toolshed of tools) of helper libraries that has ever existed in all of known software history.
  • WLW/OLW (Open Live Writer) replacement built in a way that resembles Write! or other app with a "focusing on the words" editor. I would like to use Atom/Electron as a bonus learning experience. OLW leaves a lot to be desired. It's the best thing out there. But it's somewhat clunky and seems like a mission to support due to all the carryover code from WLW - or not. I might be poo-typing. But I do like Write! So pretty.
  • Blog engine. This is now officially over. I will stick to existing products. I'm putting it here because it's always there. Lingering. Haunting me. Taunting me with promises of Internet Fame as the best blogging engine ever created and that will destroy Word Press and force all those PHP devs to leave that inscrutable world an docme to the light. All the fake devs that only know how to install plugins but trick folks into thinking they're "developers" or "designers" will have nothing to fall back on (ok, maybe Orchard or DNN or Umbraco or....). I'm done.
  • Redesign this blog/site with more than what Mads did.
  • Run a test harness on the real world benefit of asyncing everything. I do not believe that async everything is always better. Setting up the async, even though it seems easy to devs now, take some plumbing. Is it truly beetter to async a DB call that returns in less than 2 seconds? I need to create a harness that tests that under load. This one is important, because lately I find myself always doing ASYNC and I feel a little guilty about it.
  • Job Tracker. Not CRON, more like a logger. I've used a few single project versions of this, specifically to track a running job and they're uber-friendly. I need to do some research to determine if one of the loggers (l4net, Nlogger, serilogger, et al.) is the better way to go or if this is worth considering
  • Audit manager. An easy plugin type of way of adding auditing to a project. Very similar to logging, which would be a natural step in, but in audititng there's some known artifacts that need to be tracked. Things like user, action, the object, etc. This would require abtracting one of the famous loggers out way too much.
  • An easy to use/plug in tree view or explorer type navigator of Azure blob.

And some other stuff that I can't think of now. But more to come. I will start adding it all here.